sunnuntai 30. syyskuuta 2012

Jerks of Finland?

Yesterday, I saw Ruby Sparks. It is the new film of Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris (same duuuds that directed Little Miss Sunshine). Without giving any spoilers, I just want to state that it was an apt illustration of shyness, ackwardness and selfishness.

(It was also a story about love, as the trailer demonstrates But, I'll write about that another time...)

Anyways, to the topic. Ruby Sparks, or more accurately its protagonist Calvin, got me thinking about socially ackward and self-centered people. I come from Finland, which is quite broadly known for being a cold place. It has been said that Finnish people are not the most outgoing but that when you get to know them, they are friendly and compliant. Might be true in many cases, but what I've experienced also quite often is that somehow the closeness of (un)familiar faces makes Finns really akward and even rude. And yes, I generalize, but it must come from somewhere, right?

Let me demonstrate:

During my summer holidays, quite weird incident occured in a bank queue. An old lady behind me was waiting for her turn, and since she was in a wheelchair, she couldn't move properly herself. Well, what happened is that after a while I heard a banal voice behind me saying: "Uhm...someone should move this lady.." I turned and saw not one but three men aged around 45 just standing there awkwardly doing nothing. What was even more absurd, was the fact that when another lady and myself went to help this woman, one of the men started to complain that "in these situations there should be some care-taker to do these things" as if the old lady wouldn't exist or hear anything.

Another example is (quite commonly recognized fact), that Finnish men do not show their emotions unless they are drunk. So, if a jerk in a bar approaches you from behind, grabs your ass and suggests to "go fuck at his place" (or in his van, as one gentleman proposed in a jazz-festival years ago) don't be surprised. Weirdly enough (and this is where it differs from other countries I know) sober in daylight the same guy would not dare to look at you in the eye, let alone suggest something more physical.

At this point, I must say that girls can be jackasses as well (otherwise, I'll get a bunch of angry Finnish guys after me, which I don't want. Our relationship is cold enough as it is).

Anyways, these small episodes made me wonder, where this (Finnish) jerkness comes from.

First of all, I blame the location. It is quite dark, grey and cold most of the year up North. It must have an effect. Imagine yourself freezing all the time and not seeing daylight. It makes you want to just curl up between blankets and stay there until it gets better. Second of all, I blame the density. Finlad is bigger than United Kingdom but our whole population is less than half of the population of London. Not much neighbors around to socialize with I would say...hmmm...third of all. What was my point again?

Noup. Cannot make more excuses. So, if there is anyone, who can explain me this rude and weird behaviour, please do, because I can't.

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